GHG-101: Basics of GHG Accounting, Reporting & Disclosing GHG Emissions
Recommended Exam Prep Course (GHG, Energy & Water Management)
Estimated Time: 2 hours
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Understanding and managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is foundational to reducing an organization’s footprint and managing its resource utilization and risks. This course will provide participants with an understanding of the value proposition for GHG management, fundamental accounting principles, disclosure, verification and reporting frameworks, and common practices for leveraging GHG data.
Learning Objectives
Understanding the value of conducting a GHG inventory
Accounting for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and understanding common protocols
Differentiating between common regulatory and voluntary reporting frameworks
Establishing boundaries for accounting and reporting
Collecting, measuring, reporting and disclosing GHG emissions
Leveraging GHG inventories to drive operational improvements/change
Verifying and improving inventory accuracy
Course Architects
Phil Duffy – Senior Advisor, U.S. Global Change Research Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Keith Adams – Environmental Manager, Climate Change, Air Products & Chemicals
Marco Buttazzoni – Fellow, Software Evaluation Services, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
Thomas Day – Chief Sustainability Officer, U.S. Postal Service
Kealy Herman (Devoy) – Associate Consultant, Sustainability and Energy, WSP
Melanie Dickersbach – Environment and Climate Strategy Manager, Exelon Corporation
Michael Gillenwater – Dean, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI)
Tim Higgs – Environmental Engineer, Intel Corporation
Bryan Jacob – Chief Climate Coach, Climate Coach International LLC
Kate Swayne Wilson – GHG & Sustainability Reporting Practice Lead, Cadmus
Jay Wintergreen – Senior Associate, First Environment
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Course Reviewers (2021-2023)
Alicia Betancourt, CC-P -- University of Florida Extension Director, Monroe County, University of Florida
Laura Armstrong, CC-P -- Director, Sustainability Program, Maryland Dept. of the Environment
Jacqueline Drumheller -- Sustainability Consultant (formerly at Alaska Airlines)
Jette Findsen — Senior Program Officer - Climate Investment Standards, American Carbon Registry
Adrienne Hollis — Senior Climate Justice and Health Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists
John Kumm, CC-P -- Senior Engineer/Senior Project Manager, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC
Jeffrey Yorzyk -- Director of Sustainability, HelloFresh